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Hydrogen cars

Hydrogen cars as they sound uses hydrogen as a fuel to power up. Hydrogen which is the most abundant material in the universe appears to have potential to full fill our energy needs of cars and it has but it doesn't present in the form of gas on earth and available only in the combined form also we don't have any engine for its combustion in cars and harness its full power instead we are using it for generating electricity from fuel cells and ends up generating less power than a combustion process can generate. We are using hydrogen as a fuel in rockets for generating thrust to escape earth's gravity by direct combusting it since 1970. I hope in the near future we also use this technology in our cars and stop polluting our nature as it only generates heat and water as its product. I think I have already described the whole idea of how we are using hydrogen in our world and also you have got an idea of how a hydrogen car works. So let's see How Hydrog
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Turbochargers vs Superchargers

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Thermodynamics Processes

Thermodynamics Processes are the processes that take place when a system changes its thermodynamic state. To know more about System and Thermodynamics State view my previous post on Thermodynamics . #Types of Thermodynamics processes 1. Cyclic Process - When the system undergoes a thermodynamic process in which final and initial state of a system are identical then that process is called a cyclic process.  In these processes, a system can undergo energy transfer with the surrounding because it can follow different paths to attain the same thermodynamic state. 2. Reversible Process - A process which can be reversed to its initial state by following the same path which it followed to reach its final state is known as Reversible Process.   OR A process that can be reversed to its initial state without affecting the system and surrounding is known as Reversible Process. 3. Irreversible Process - A Process which that cannot be reversed to its initial without aff


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